Hey, my name is Tessa.
Want the short version? Here’s my résumé.
I’m a software engineer with a special interest in computer graphics. We’ll get
along great if you like C++, dogs, or terrible puns!
In a previous life, I worked at tech startups big and small! I worked together with the CTO of YR to transition their development teams (distributed across New York, San Francisco, London, Hong Kong, and Tokyo) to Agile processes and improve how their teams work remotely across timezones. I’m a Scrum Alliance Certified Product Owner, and have years of experience working remotely and in teams.
I’m certified by the ISTQB as a Foundation level tester, and through experience I have an appreciation for software testing and quality control; at Teleportr I managed the release of 3 iOS apps to the App Store, and worked with developers to introduce scripted release management into our CI/CD pipeline! At Tātou, I inherited a broken and manual collection of tests that I readied to integrate into their CI/CD pipeline, too. I also initiated Tātou’s transition from Katalon to Detox for their React Native app, and from Katalon to React Testing Library for their ReactJS Web app.
I speak English and German! I studied Mechatronics for a year while working at Cenit, a German company that produces the world’s leading graphical software for offline robotics programming and optimisation of production line processes. Recently I graduated from the Victoria University of Wellington, a top research university in New Zealand, with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. Outside of the standard CS courses, the majority of my studies focussed on many different areas of computer graphics, including real-time rendering, game engine development, and computer vision.
You can check out my projects on GitHub and read about what I’m learning and working on here.
Reading List
Up Next
- Foundations of Game Engine Development: Mathematics (1E)—Eric Lengyel
- The Nature of Code: Simulating Natural Systems (1E)—Daniel Shiffman
Currently Reading…
- Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice (3E)—Hughs, van Dam, et al.
Previously Read
- Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces (1E)—Andrea & Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau
- Beej’s Guide to Network Programming (1E)—Brian “Beej” Hall
- Game Programming Patterns (1E)—Robert Nystrom
- Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (1E)—Gamma, Helm, Johnson, & Vlissides
- UML Distilled (3E)—Martin Fowler
- MIT Press: Processing (2E)—Casey Reas & Ben Fry
- Effective Java (3E)—Joshua Bloch
- Stanford CS106B: Programming Abstractions in C++ (1E)—Eric Roberts
- Stanford CS106A: The Art & Science of Java (1E)—Eric Roberts
- Oracle Press: Java, A Beginner’s Guide (8E)—Herbert Schildt
- Eloquent Javascript (3E)—Marijn Haverbeke
- Understanding Complex Information Technology Solutions—Eva Heinrich
- SCRUM: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time—Jeff Sutherland
- Foundations of Software Testing (ISTQB Certification)—Graham, Black, & van Veenendaal
- Beautiful Testing—Tim Riley & Adam Goucher
- O’Reilly: Introducing GitHub (2E)—Brent Beer
- O’Reilly: The Vi and Vim Editors (7E)—Robbins, Hannah, & Lamb
- O’Reilly: Learning the Bash Shell (3E)—Cameron Newham
- The Mac Command Line with Terminal—Joe Kissell
Updated: 23 July 2023