Hey, my name is Tessa.
I’m a software engineer with a special
interest in computer graphics. We’ll get along great if you like C++, dogs,
or terrible puns!
In a previous life, I worked at tech startups big and small, and studied Mechatronics at a German University.
You can find out more about me here, read about what I’m learning and working on here, and check out my projects below.
Latest Posts
Video Stabilizer
Computer Vision C++ OpenCV SIFT RANSAC
An application of computer vision algorithms and techniques to stabilize shaky video footage, including Lowe's Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) technique for feature detection and Fischler and Bolles' RAndom SAmple Consesus (RANSAC) algorithm to compute robust homography matrices.
3D Terrain Simulation
Real-time Rendering C++ OpenGL GLSL
3D terrain simulation with an editable, procedurally generated terrain mesh that updates in real-time. Built for the course CGRA350 Real Time Rendering at VUW.
Game Engine C++ DirectX Win32
Hardware accelerated DX11 based rendering engine built on Win32.
Java Game TEngine
A simple remake of the classic game Snake, built in Java using my own custom 2D game engine TEngine.
Java Game Engine
A 2D game engine built to support building games in Java for the course 159261 Games Programming at Massey University.
Holy Whac-a-Moley
GDScript Game Godot Engine Game Jam
A game jam entry created for Weeksauce February 2024, using the Godot game engine and GDScript.
Conway's Game of Life
JavaScript Cellular Automata
A JS implementation of Conway's Game of Life.